Furniture Saga: Plying the wood

Work on the furniture will begin this tuesday. The mistri (carprenter) and I went to the plywood store this saturday for ... what else, plywood shopping. I didn't know there could be so many types of plywood: pine, gajjar, burma, block and what not. The mistri and the shop-dude wanted me to buy some stuff imported from Burma. I know where Burma is, but I didn't know they make such high-quality ply. But we have a budget, and so we settled for a ply called Woodpine, whatever that means. I knew of pine wood, but apparently this is ... different.
On a related note, I was reminded of how one of my sisters calls me Pine Cone, I never knew why; and I call her Strawberry :-), that too I don't know why.
My nickname starts with letter P. Thats the only common thing I can see. I guess I will ask her when she is old enough :-).
And, thanks.
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