Furniture Saga: Done!

The furniture is ready! After a month of nail-on-ply and sandpaper-on-wood noises, which irritated us to no end, the wardrobe and the bed are finally done. For the last 2-3 days, we were getting impatient (and nervous) ... but now that we can see it just like we wanted to see it, it feels good to see it you see. The book-case should be ready within a day or so, but its already looking good. We spent a day wiping the glasses and mirrors and the floor squeaky clean, our hands smelling of kerosene and soap. We should start moving our stuff in its place this weekend. Tee-hee :-).
We have also ordered the kitchen wall-unit. Its that italian modular kitchen thing, with the electric chimney and all, and should arrive by the end of this month. With that, the bedroom and kitchen will be all set.
Other than that, its been a routine week. Days are getting very hot, but nights thankfully are nice. The greenness of spring is slowly giving way to the brownness of indian summer, with tar roads floating in the afternoon sun and sweats rolling into already wet clothes. Both of us had a small bout of sunstroke, with our tummies going gud-gud and heads rolling in-place, but now we are fine and enjoying ice-candies every noon and night.
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