Summer Rain

Yesterday started off like any other summer day, with the sun beating down people into sweats. By mid-afternoon it was cloudy enough for us to venture out into the same sun for an after-lunch walk. Like it is on any cloudy summer day (or like every day in Bombay ;-), the heat was dampy and there was almost no wind, what is called tufaan ke pehle ki khamoshi (the lull before the storm).
Thus and hence, it rained in the evening. And since Sanju had forgotten her keys at home, both of us enjoyed our first getting-wet-in-rain routine. The rain started off small, but soon it grew wild as you can see in the pics above. It rained for hardly half an hour, but the force of it at the end was quite good. Some tree branches tore off in the neighborhood and a poor man's shanty was thrown asunder.
The result was a cold night and clear shiny morning. The rain somehow brings down all the pollution with it and the view gets all clear as in blue. To top it off, it again rained today. Indeed, a welcome relief from the hot 40s (degrees that is).
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